I’ve just done a major upgrade of the server, and despite lots of testing (lookin in the other thread, in Game News, on JGF status, for details) there may be some new bugs and problems.
In particular, I’ve made the “upload files” much prettier, more robust (doesn’t use ANY javascript any more) and somewhat easier to use - however, it is DIFFERENT from the old way. Now, instead of making all your changes in one go and hitting “make version”, you make each change separately, press the appropriate buttons to make them saved in a temporary space on the server, and when you’ve finished, you hit “publish”.
In the process, I also fixed several bugs which meant if you had identical filenames as other games that you could accidnetally delete files from other games, or get their files appearing in your game (although you couldn’t download them,you could only see the file info) . Won’t happen any more.
I’ve added JVM args and properties; both seem to work. Let me know if I’ve missed any that should be there, I couldn’t find my list of all args that work in webstart :(.
I have NOT added the main-class selector yet. I’ll do that later tonight.