I apologize if this is a stupid question or a re-tread of old material. My understanding of Java as a platform is remedial at best, but I couldn’t find anything that seems to deal with this issue.
Over the past few months I’ve been working on Penumbra, which is a wrapper for JOGL written in Clojure. Some examples can be found here. Everything works great, but setup for new developers is a tremendous hassle. I’ve put jars and libraries for every platform in /lib, and anyone cloning the repository then has to go through a lengthy process of setting up their class and library paths, which can be fraught with typos and irritation.
As I understand it, when a JOGL applet is loaded via JNLP, the correct jars and libraries are identified and downloaded, right then and there. Is there some reason I can’t leverage this same mechanism for loading the files onto a developer’s system when they initialize the library? If not, why not? Any responses are greatly appreciated.