Astar pathfinding diagonal support

this is what the path looks like
I want it to look like this
while keeping diagonals when there are no blocked tiles. like this

Sorry for the vague description

if that means that you want tiles always to be connected by their sides - you might want to look into bresenham’s line :

and continue with super-cover :

Simply remove the edges you deem impassible: for every diagonal edge verify that it touches/intersects 4 empty cells.

basil_: bresenham seems an odd choice for his specific request (conditional diagonal edges) as it solves quite a few problems, but more or less would make his problem worse :slight_smile:

yea, don’t listen to me. i’m way off most time anyway :wink:

I’ll try that Riven ;D

I’m struggling to do this :S
Would be very grateful if somebody could help me with it.

this code is used to check if its a solid tile.

if (MapManager.isBlocked(x,y)) {
this tile is clipped

public Node[] getNeighbors(Node goal) {
		Node[] neighbors = new Node[8];
		int count = 0;
		for (int i = -1; i < 2; i++) {
			for (int j = -1; j < 2; j++) {
				if (i == 0 && j == 0)
				Node node = new Node(x + i, y + j, this);
				node.cost = node.distance(this);
				node.heuristic = node.heuristic(goal);
				neighbors[count++] = node;

		return neighbors;

if both i and h are not zero, you’re dealing with a diagonal edge to a neighbour. in that case, check whether there is any blocked cell in the 3 cells the edge is pointing to. if so, don’t add the node to the neighbour array.

How would I do this exactly?

the coords of the three cells:
(x+i, y+j)
(x+i, y)
(x, y+j)

It’s avoiding some tiles when not needed

public Node[] getNeighbors(Node goal) {
		Node[] neighbors = new Node[8];
		int count = 0;
		for (int i = -1; i < 2; i++) {
			for (int j = -1; j < 2; j++) {
				if (i == 0 && j == 0)
				if (i != 0 && j != 0) {
					if (!MapManager.isWalkable(x + i, y + j)
							|| !MapManager.isWalkable(x + i, y)
							|| !MapManager.isWalkable(x, y + j)) {
								.println("diagonal tile not touching 4 empty tiles");
				Node node = new Node(x + i, y + j, this);
				node.cost = node.distance(this);
				node.heuristic = node.heuristic(goal);
				neighbors[count++] = node;
		return neighbors;

should be walking across the green path,

change line 14 to: continue

to wrap it up, rename i to dx, j to dy, and change the conditions to: <= +1, instead of < 2, to add meaning to the code.

Yes! it’s working thank you so much!