
Hey guys, I like to introduce my new game: Ashworld.
It’s an open-world game, mixing driving, shooting, and platforming into one big action adventure type thingie!

Now available
Steam + purchase it here:

iOS Appstore:

Here are some screenies to look at:

You can read up on development in more detail here:

but I’ll also be sure to update this thread with more screens, info and videos when I get them :wink:

Looks brilliant as ever!

Cas :slight_smile:

Stop making us look bad!

[Begrudgingly gives medal]

This looks really cool!

Well done.


I was wondering yesterday… "but where is orange pixel update? " and here you are!
I like the atmosphere and the overall “feel” of the game so far: pixel art is really cool!

I hope you will show us some good old vehicle fighting, because was most part of mad max: fury road :stuck_out_tongue:

On the other side, I don’t like the “poster”, too cartonish/maga, I prefer more dark theme for this kind of game!

Any way, good work so far!

Looks great! I really like the consistency of your artwork in all your games.

thanks guys! been working for a lot of months on this one, huge pain getting the game to where it is now
mostly because I don’t play or fully understand the fun in open world games ;D

but I got it all coming together, now it’s just the last 10% left :wink:

Games like these make me nostalgic, awesome work, keep going :3

Added a chainsaw this week:

and worked on a unlockable Codex:

and tweaked all the effects and graphics a bit

got a rough version of a trailer/teaser coming hopefully next week, showing a lot more of the game.
for a bit more technical stuff there’s a new : developer blog

Also tested and improved the touch-controls and got MFI controller support up and running nicely!

still hopeful on the Q1 2017 release window! :slight_smile:

This looks awesome! :slight_smile:

BUT whenever I try to go to the dev blog, I get this error:

This site can’t be reached
%22http’s server DNS address could not be found.

hack the URL, dude…

Cas :slight_smile:

lol I didnt realize I could just take out the %22 and it would work, sorry.

That’s why I’m on the big bucks 8)

Cas :slight_smile:


fixed url for convenience :stuck_out_tongue:


just a little teaser!

I’m now at about 98% done with the game, but there’s still a bunch of weeks before it launches to iron out bugs and tweak stuff.

things left to do:

  • add achievements + leaderboards
  • add the final few story-missions
  • test, test, test, test!

Few months later, still working on Ashworld. It’s coming along very nicely tho, there’s a lot of content and mechanics added.
Here’s a little video showing a recent “alpha” build:


Working towards a public-beta / early-access sort of release on PC. While there are still things I want to add, the biggest and hardest gameplay parts are now working (missions, driving, fighting, platforming, etc).

Any way to try it on ? I don’t find any useful information about your game and testing

very soon now, it’s going into early access this week (most likely tomorrow, unless I run into big problems during testing)
it can be wishlisted on Steam, or sign up to the newsletter to get an email when the early-access goes live:

thanks for the update!

new update: I forgot about the whole July 4th celebration thing that the US is having, and with steam sale doing it’s final hours, I’m pushing the release to next week !

so still soon, just little less soon :stuck_out_tongue: