I am developing a distributed visualisation application (first version/demo version). An Ascension “Flock of Birds”-system will be used as an input device. The FoB-system has 4 sensors and an extended range transmitter. Computer hardware will be running Windows XP.
The system will be Java based using Java3D, Java2D, JSDT (Java Shared Data Toolkit) and possibly RMI
etc. The tracker data will distributed to different hosts on the network using JSDT.
I guess there are two methods of handling the FoB.
Develop a C-program and use JNI to access it from Java. There are some C examples etc included.
(I also need this C code version for another project) -
Develop a Java program that uses Java Communications API for handling the serial port.
I have found the NCSA Portfolio (portfolio.jar) which seem to be a couple of years old.
I also found: http://ovrt.nist.gov/jvedi.
Anyone have any suggentions?