Are you kidding me?

Since I am talking about several bindings, I thought that this would be the best place to post this…

Okay, so Sun Microsystems made Java. They also made Solaris. Yet, there is only one binding (JOGL) that works on Solaris (at least last time I checked all of the bindings’ websites)? Are you kidding me? Why would I even touch JOAL, JInput, and/or LWJGL when none of them support Solaris (well, there are unofficial hacks/binaries, but I’m not going to put my users through that)? The point of using Java is to WORA (write once run anywhere)! You other bindings need to work on Solaris. How hard is it? OpenSolaris and Solaris are free OS’s. Do a dual-boot or use the Live CD ffs and compile bindings! Why would I use LWJGL when I could just use C++ and SDL and support Solaris?

Anyway, I guess I’ll just be using JOGL and not offer Joystick support or 3D audio, but this just seems ridiculous…

Odd post. LWJGL seems to have supported Solaris since September 2008:


And in case you didn’t know, IntuitSea!, LWJGL has bindings for OpenGL, OpenAL, input devices, and more.

Also… practically nobody uses Solaris, so that would be a reason not to use SDL - you gain only like 0.01% of users by adding Solaris support.

Indeed, these are clientside desktop technologies, and Solaris is a server operating system. The fact that LWJGL has any Solaris support at all is a bit of a surprise eh?

Cas :slight_smile:

Not if we add OpenCL support. :wink:

I’ve tried to run Robombs ( on Solaris once with a quite powerful graphics card (ATI HD 4870) on a quad core cpu to make sure that the jnlp for Solaris works. However, it ran like shit and wasn’t even worth the boot time.