Apply transparency to glCallList


I´m working with heavy lists. And I want to change the transparency of all elements of the list. Now I´m deleting and creating the list again, what is very inefficient and it works very slow. The question is if it is possible to apply a global transparency to one list just before I draw it ( glCallList ).


There’s no way to alter what is in the display list after it has been defined. The only way to alter the colour of what is rendered is to make the glColor or glMaterial calls before glCallList, and ensure that the display list contains no glColor/glMaterial calls itself. This is probably not an option for you.
I’m assuming that you’re specifying vertices and colours in immediate mode (glBegin/End blocks). You should consider moving to VBOs - they will keep the data in VRAM as with a display list, but you can also alter it at will.

I suppose I have no choise.
Thanks for your quickly answer.