

I would like to present you my latest project.
It’s called ApoNotSoSimple and it’s a clever but tricky puzzler that speaks for itself. The basic idea is from IMPASSE, a flash game. But I added some nice changes like more than one layer, more levels, an editor and many more stuff. I asked the developers if it’s ok for them when I copy the basic gameplay. And they said yes and are really happy with the improvements.
I would be very happy if you can test the game and/or create a new level and upload it.

Download and Applet: Click here


Hey, it’s a nice game and definitely nice mechanics :smiley: Couldn’t beat it because I’m tired and ragequitted early on 0:)
No problems on win7 64-bit.

Thanks for testing the game.

If you want to play the game later you can go to your last level with ‘n’ (next level) and ‘p’ (previous level).

Lot’s of fun! I think I just killed an hour I didn’t have. Maybe not quite that much. I got 20 levels, though I have to admit, on the 20th I worked backwards on paper to find the solution.

You have a few typos you might want to fix:

Level 15: spelling of Deception
Level 18: usual use of apostrophes is “That’s easy or?” and “Stop what’s that…”

By the way, on level 18, why couldn’t I move to the right on my first move? It looked legal. Did I miss something?

I played on IE8, a Windows Home-XP machine. Everything was smooth.

Installation: +1 point if the game installs and uninstalls correctly
Started fine, no problems.
Stability: +1 point if the game doesn’t crash ever
Worked and ran pretty solidly here.
Presentation: +0 point if the game is slickly presented
generally the game is well presented however the lack of sound harms it in this area.
Graphics: +1 point if the game has “good” graphics that suit the game
Graphics are adaqute and do the job fine.
Sound: +0 point if the game has “good” sound that suit the game
This IMO is the main problem with this game, there is no sound at all, not even basic feedback sounds.
Style: +0 point if the game’s overall style is “good”
Acceptable graphical style, gameplay is fine, fails on audio, also that large screenshot so close to the applet is rather distracting as it looks like the applet, maybe make the screenshot smaller and put something like a border on it or something to differentiate it.
Innovation: +1 point if the game is original or brings a great new original twist
Gameplay and clever puzzles is where this game shines.
Fun Factor: +1 point if your judge enjoyed playing the game
Challenging puzzles are pretty fun.
Completeness: +0 point if the game is complete enough that doesn’t feel anything is missing
As pointed out above, missing audio stops the game from being fully complete.
Freebie: +1 point if you don’t whine and you demand nothing of the mods (simply saying “can you rate my game please” is fine)
Point earned.

Generally a rather fun, fresh, addictive and original puzzle game, but as you can see missing a small aspect like sound even though the game is playable can really hurt the score.



Thanks a lot for testing and featuring my game! thumbsup :slight_smile:

A new version is online with the following improvements:

  • I fixed the spelling problems (thanks)
  • I build a homepage for the game
  • I improved the visual effect when two or more tiles lying on top of each other.

In level 18 you can’t move to the right on the first move because at the moment all tiles (except the target), no matter what level/layer they are, count on all levels/layers (in level 18 a “plus”-tile is on the second level/layer and so you can’t go to the right because then your player in layer one will collide with that tile). Perhaps I should change that. What do you think?

It would be great if you could test the game (again) and/or create a new level and upload it with the editor.
Next step is to implement some sound effects.

Download and Applet: Click here

Hi - OK, I went back to do a little more testing, and have a couple more corrections for you.

On the line:
n or p to change the level (if you stuck)

it should read (if you are stuck) or (if you’re stuck) or (if you get stuck)

The top right corner is a bit messed up. The game title collides with the icon captions.

On the home page, the line “To play the game online…left side oder download the game.” should use the word “or” instead of “oder”. I’m guessing that was just a simple oops, mixing up the Deutsch und Englisch. Level 4: “That’s crazy!” (include apostrophe).

How did I do 20 levels not understand that a player token on level two can collide with an obstacle on level 1?! I think the only collisions that should count should be the ones on the same level. That is a better design, IMHO.

Also, maybe there is a way to have the focus come back to the game when you go away from the browser window and come back to it. I have to mouse click the screen to reestablish the focus before I am able to play. I’m not sure how this is done, but it has come up for other people before, it is a common question that has been answered many times in this forum.

Another time, when I have more time, I will try to make a puzzle. On my puzzle game (in development, but you can try here: http://www.java-gaming.org/index.php/topic,23676.0.html) I was also considering exposing the puzzle making editor. It is neat to see you doing so. I will probably add that as well. I keep getting distracted, and need to just finish the game. I have to make some more levels, too, especially easier ones.

Many thanks!!!

I changed everything you’ve said. Now there are only collisions on the same level.
I added some music too. In the new options menu you can change the music on/off and the effects on/off.
It’s the first time I use MP3-Files in my games, so it would be nice if someone could test it.

And @philfrei: Your game is really nice!!! =)

New version is online:

  • new level chooser
  • save your progress in a cookie

It would be very nice if you could test it.

Link: ApoNotSoSimple

It starts to get difficult when all pieces are in the game at the same time. Very nicely done and it’s definitely a complete game :slight_smile:

(And I need to tell you that the missis likes it too…)
