Hi - OK, I went back to do a little more testing, and have a couple more corrections for you.
On the line:
n or p to change the level (if you stuck)
it should read (if you are stuck) or (if you’re stuck) or (if you get stuck)
The top right corner is a bit messed up. The game title collides with the icon captions.
On the home page, the line “To play the game online…left side oder download the game.” should use the word “or” instead of “oder”. I’m guessing that was just a simple oops, mixing up the Deutsch und Englisch. Level 4: “That’s crazy!” (include apostrophe).
How did I do 20 levels not understand that a player token on level two can collide with an obstacle on level 1?! I think the only collisions that should count should be the ones on the same level. That is a better design, IMHO.
Also, maybe there is a way to have the focus come back to the game when you go away from the browser window and come back to it. I have to mouse click the screen to reestablish the focus before I am able to play. I’m not sure how this is done, but it has come up for other people before, it is a common question that has been answered many times in this forum.
Another time, when I have more time, I will try to make a puzzle. On my puzzle game (in development, but you can try here: http://www.java-gaming.org/index.php/topic,23676.0.html) I was also considering exposing the puzzle making editor. It is neat to see you doing so. I will probably add that as well. I keep getting distracted, and need to just finish the game. I have to make some more levels, too, especially easier ones.