Hi all. I’m new here so please forgive any ignorance I put on display. I’m looking for options to achieve synchronization between my frame updates and my monitor’s refresh while in window mode using Java2D. Searching on “vsync,” I found a number of postings, but almost all are too old to reply to them. So, I’m asking here if there’s recent information that changes the state of affairs. This discussion made me aware of the ExtendedBufferCapabilties class, which appears to offer some access to vsync in window mode. However, the ExtendedBufferCapabilities class is in one of the sun.* packages, which this FAQ entry warns are not supported and can change at any time (nor are they likely to be on non-Oracle implementations Java).
If one is willing to be platform-specific (I’m on Windows), a native method could get the job done. But who wants to be platform-specific? My prior research tells me that OpenGL, among other alternatives, provides vsync support. But I like Java2D and would be interested in knowing what solutions, if any, there are to syncing with monitor refresh in the Java2D context.
Hope I’m not overtreading an already beaten path with this question, and thank in advance for any replies.