Anyone 4 Tennis?

Not sure it’s quite right yet, but still loads of leeway with 5 bytes left… Anyone 4 Tennis?

Couldn’t run it:

[quote]Exception in thread “Thread-10” java.lang.NullPointerException
at Source)
at Source)

Oops! Minor ‘no midi sound’ problem - uploads new vers - try it again now…

Cool! Works great. Vista. JRE 1.6.

Couldn’t get past stage 1, but got close!

Very cool, although it’s a little unclear when you can actually hit the ball.

A few little tweaklets:- it’s a lot easier to play now, but still quite tough!

If it’s done, please submit to Java4K. TY :wink:

I’m not sure it’s quite right yet - I think I need to work on the collision detection (esp. on the serve).

Just a thought Appel, while you’re here, how about allowing entrants to submit a playable jar (<4096 bytes for the judges) but also having the option to submit an applet (which can be >4095 but must have identical gameplay). I suggest this as I think casual visitors to Java4K would be more likely to play the games if they were applets. Webstart can be a bit of a security popup nightmare!

Couple of minor tweaks. Improved serve (previously bat was infinitely large lol) & AI prediction. Jar at 4027.

Cool 3D effects, but this game is just way too difficult. I have no sense of depth; I can’t tell where the ball is in relation to the paddle. I also can’t seem to swing the paddle properly with the mouse. The ball also seems to move really slowly compared to real ping pong or even compared to Pong.