another line -> grid intersection

just a mesh up of’s_line_algorithm and’s_line_algorithm
and the “super cover” like written here :

replace java.Math with your fav. math-utils. dont really remember where i picked up that code, there’s stuff like that everywhere when you google a bit. anyway, i think this version is very simple, easy to understand and not slow.

private void coversuper(float from_x,
                        float from_y,

                        float to_x,
                        float to_y,

                        float cell_width,
                        float cell_height)
  float x0  = from_x/cell_width;
  float y0  = from_y/cell_height;
  float x1  = to_x/cell_width;
  float y1  = to_y/cell_height;
  float dx  = Math.abs(x1 - x0);
  float dy  = Math.abs(y1 - y0);
  int   x   = ipart(x0);
  int   y   = ipart(y0);
  int   num = 1;
  int   sx,sy;
  float err;

  if(dx == 0)
    sx  = 0;
    err = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
  else if(x1 > x0)
    sx  = 1;
    num += ipart(x1) - x;
    err = rfpart(x0)*dy;
    sx  = -1;
    num += x - ipart(x1);
    err = fpart(x0)*dy;

  if(dy == 0)
    sy  = 0;
    err = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
  else if(y1 > y0)
    sy  = 1;
    num += ipart(y1) - y;
    err -= rfpart(y0)*dx;
    sy  = -1;
    num += y - ipart(y1);
    err -= fpart(y0)*dx;

  // number of square to be plotted : num


    if(--num == 0) break;

    if(err > 0)
      err -= dx;
      y   += sy;
      err += dy;
      x   += sx;

the helper methods used up there :

private int ipart(float x)
  return (int)Math.floor(x);
private float fpart(float x)
  return x - ipart(x);
private float rfpart(float x)
  return 1.0f - fpart(x);

and of course the most important (line 55) :

private void plot(int x,int y)
  // glColor4f(0.1f,0.5f,1.0f,0.5f); // etc
  // draw a squre or something 
  // maybe rectangle(x*cellSize_x, y*cellSize_y, cellSize_x, cellSize_y);
  // you get the idea

shoud make something like :