Announcing: Blackspirit Graphics


Blackspirit Graphics is a 2D Java graphics library designed for games, providing a powerful but simple interface.
The intention is to allow users to quickly start with 2D graphics while still giving them lots of possibilities and less
details to worry about.
It is suited for real-time applications, but also integratable into graphical user interfaces.
The implementation provided is using JOGL for its rendering to provide operating system independency and
hardware acceleration.

Besides simple drawing operations (points, lines, triangles, images, text) some more advanced features are
available like texturing and coloring triangles, shapes, animation and some helpful utilities (to create shapes for example).

The current version is 2.0 Beta 2 which is pretty close to a release candidate.

Version 2.0 Beta 3 will follow in August:

Downloads and documentation (in work) and demos are available on the website.
A forum will soon be added to the Blackspirit website (for feedback and bug reports).

Please let me know what you think of it!

Looks cool. But can’t wait till you release Blackspirit Audio.

First demo, blackscreen.
Second demo, crash.
Third demo, blackscreen.

It doesn’t like my intel graphic card ::).

Thanks for reporting! I haven’t had the chance so far to test it on an Intel graphics card!
That’s exactly why I wan’t to get the forum up and running for feedback.
I will have a look as soon as I get my hands on an Intel graphics card.
As soon as possible I will get some debug webstarts up to make it easier to provide
detailed information on failure! So if you’re interested, please keep looking.
What graphics card do you have? GMA X3100?

The audio library is still in pretty alpha state (though already working) and I’m currently also considering JOAL,
but I try to get an early version up as soon as possible.

On my GForce no problem ;D.

For the intel card, it is a Intel® 82865G (quite old now). I can’t report what’s in the consol since the demos are full screen and I didn’t manage to access it.

You can turn logging for webstarts on in Windows as follows (for Java 1.6 at least):
Start->Settings->Control Panel->Java->Advanced->Settings->Debugging->Enable tracing and logging

Then log files should be created in the following folder:
Documents and Settings"username"\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\log

This is quite helpful as the Java Console tends to vanish when an application crashes.

25 juil. 2008 16:02:11 setFullscreen
INFO: Fullscreen: Width=800 Height=600 BitDepth=32 RefreshRate=72
25 juil. 2008 16:02:12 initialize
INFO: Requested image drawing size: 512x512
25 juil. 2008 16:02:12 initialize
INFO: Actual image drawing size: 512x512
25 juil. 2008 16:02:32 init
INFO: Initializing renderer
25 juil. 2008 16:02:32 setMaxTextureSize
INFO: Maximum Texture Size: 2048
25 juil. 2008 16:02:32 listenerInit
INFO: Initializing graphics listener
25 juil. 2008 16:02:33 listenerInit
INFO: Initializing graphics listener

Nothing special… but since I have to kill the app (Esc key doesn’t work), I may not have everything.

Thanks for posting the log! But I guess that is everything.
The numbers at the end are the frames per second I print out when the demo is running.

Probably there is an error calling the OpenGL methods, but without the DebugGL and
TraceGL that is not visible, unless the app crashes completely inside a native library :P.
As I mentioned earlier I will add versions of the webstart demos having those two enabled for more output.

(The refresh rate actually looks a bit funny! I guess you have a CRT monitor)