UPDATES: Have a config file to adjust for animations of different sizes other than vx and xp images.
My name is 0Circle0 the creator of Sprite Creator 3. In preparation for Sprite Creator 4 I have created 2 programs for viewing created character animations for xp and vx sprites.
Requires Java 6+ found here http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/jav…oads/index.html This program will NOT run if you do not have Java 6+ installed. Java 7 is recommended.
Enable double clicking of runnable JAR file:
If you have not set file associations for “.jar” file types then right click “SprCre.jar” select “open with”, go to where Java JRE is installed (usually c:/Program files (x86)/Java/jre7/bin" for 64bit java or “c:/Program Files/Java/jre7/bin” for 32bit java.) Select javaw.exe (Must use javaw.exe NOT java.exe) and click ok. That should make the the jar runnable on double click. Or you can run SprCre3.bat. The path after “c:/Program Files/Java/” may appear different but just select the jre folder.
Did you find this program useful? Help me promote this applet by going to my facebook page and liking and commenting there on the wall. Would love to hear what people have to say.
Sprite Creator 3:
Facebook Page
You can separately load up to 5 different images. Details inside the Readme.txt
http://adf.ly/bullshit Adf.ly > mediafire
http://adf.ly/bullshit Adf.ly > Rapidgator(timed)