Hi to all! I’m spruzzer and this is the first time I post on this amazing Forum! ;D
I’m developing a card board game and now I’ve rescued difficulty in some animation tasks:
I display all my components (Card deck and user card subset) on a Jpanel.
In the class Card I wrote the draw method and animation method, which move a card from deck to user subset (shifted of 25px for each taken card).
I have no problem when I call(from the game board class) the move method from a mouse pressed event: I click on the user subset and i see the card moving to its destination (I have a timer that repaint the whole panel each 20ms). Now I want to write a method initGame() in the game board class that draw 2 cardsfor each users ut don’t understand ho I can shw the animation (I’m only able to draw the complete set of 2 cards without the moving animation).
I hope that you have time to tell me the right way to solve this problem.