Andromeda Online - online multiplayer space combat

Hey, I’m new to the idea of Java as a gaming platform (I had the widely-held belief that it was JUST TOO SLOW) but the company I work for got an unusual project recently - a massively multiplayer online game, written in Java.

I didn’t believe it until I saw it, and now I’m addicted to the possibilities of Java gaming.

Anyways, check out Andromeda at and see what you think.

Most of the structure was already there and we made it stable and extended it. If you do play it, I wrote the Tactical system. :slight_smile:

31Mb and it’s not even a JAR file :frowning:

Can I just ask what’s in that 30Mb? I’m guessing perhaps 80% graphics, 20% code? Just out of interest.

Hmmm… I’ve never downloaded it, to be honest. It is in three JAR files - the code, graphics and sound. It’s probably closer to 95% graphics/sound. The .exe is a standard Windows installer on that platform; I don’t know what the other platforms use.

The owning company handled all the installation, distribution, etc., so I’m not too familiar with that side of it.

I just followed the link for the Linux install and saw that it referred to a ‘.dmg’. As far as I am aware that is a compressed drive image used by MacOS X. I don’t think Linux even uses that.

The Mac install is done with a DMG, but the Linux version can be had in either Windows or Mac.

I just checked it out and for some reason the Linux link includes both the Mac and Linux versions for download - the Linux link is to the right.