Android SDK

Personally, I own the G1 and one area that i dislike about the Android is the lack of games or even apps for it. Is this due to the fact that most of the Android devices are mobile phones? I just saw this new Zii EGG device (non-phone) that will run on the Android platform! It even has 3D OpenGL ES acceleration which will handle 3D games with ease. Currently there’s an offer going on for the SDK, anyone of you buying? I would have if I didn’t have bought the G1 =( Find out more here:

The G1 also has OpenGL ES acceleration. However, the ZiiEGG does look awesome and have HiDef video, larger storage, and TV out which the G1 doesn’t.

I wonder if the ZiiEGG’s OpenGL chip will be faster then the G1’s OpenGL chip. In my experience, the G1’s Open GL performance is good, but not great. Calling egl.eglSwapBuffers(dpy, surface); usually takes a good 10ms.