Android in China?

Anyone has any experience targetting apps to China? I imagine a market with huge potential. But Google Market doesnt have China (yet). Also rumors are that Chinese operators have their own app store. Damn har to figure out though as all the sites are in chinese…!

There are a lot of politics involved in Android Market being available in other countries , such as Mobile Operators, anti piracy measures, taxing and stuff.
I’ve been reading about this in the last days, since I found out Android Market is not available for Brazilian developers …
Which by the way made me very frustrated and took off all my enthusiasm in writing a “cross library” for applet/android .

It’s really sad that google cannot cross this barrier easily and is losing a lot of developers/users in the meanwhile , for example, China and Brazil

There seem to be plenty of forum and blog posts talking about using the standard Android Market in China, but:

Looks like this may not last once the OPhone is released.

One other thing - no one in China uses credit cards, so if there isn’t a way for them to add payments to their phone bill apps won’t sell there.

Free version with ads could still be a profitable way to make money.

so please update us when you have some news on working with admob :slight_smile:

Admob: Results so far: 3% click through rate, 5 cents to me pr click. Based on a short period so may go up or down… right now I am looking at 10-20 USD from ads pr day so nothing that pays the rent.

Martin, that seems nice for me, better than to wait Android Market in Brazil . If the revenue covers my server renting, that’s already super.
Thanks for the info ! Probably in a month or so it’ll be ready the “Hellevators” version for Android .

Cool should be a fun game on Android :slight_smile: