Thanks for inputs, all! Understood, about team building being very varied. I’m thinking, the equivalent of a prototype will come from a script being developed. I am going to advise the “client” that the first step is to take his “curricula” and work a significant segment of it into a form (kind of like a film script with visual information, and puzzles built in) where it is easy to visualize and the entire project becomes more real.
In addition, I could see where it might be necessary to build mockups, if a mechanic is at all unique. For some segments, for example, a simple variant on a “hidden object” puzzle (highly likely to be included), these might be easy enough to visualize.
I’m surprised that the differences in programming between something like “Banner Saga” (multi-layered 2D with set scenes, dialogue screens with choices, and intervening puzzles) is not considered enough information to give a range of estimates. Especially, when contrasted with trying to implement 3D which to me seems like it would automatically add significant complications and extra work.
I meet with the “client” (using the term loosely!) tonight for Pakistani food. Things are at a very exploratory stage.
Long ago, I worked as a team coordinator for a game company that employed about a dozen people. I think something like 8 or 9 games/apps made it to market. We had a couple programmers who primarily implemented our game-enabled FORTH onto various desktops, and others who worked primarily on the games. (Program once, implement on many!) We are talking about computers that boasted of having 64 KB of RAM, mind you! I made a game while I there, called “Laser Tanks.” The boss came up to me and handed me a roll of quarters, sent me to an arcade, and said, come up with a tank-themed game. But as a team coordinator, I occasionally had to put the game aside and work with the “core” team as they were getting frazzled. For example, I ended up being the main person who installed and got some software running that converted 8080 to Z-80 assembly language (despite having only a smattering of assembly language programming experience). I was also a main intermediary that helped coordinate common game features and sharable code in the team, and tracked time estimates and kind of helped people along.
This experience (which I viewed as overall positive despite the long hours) and an overly healthy “can do” optimism leads me to venture into projects that are sometimes over my head.
I like the video from GNecro1, in that one can see many important stages or components of the larger project dealt with in turn. Nice find.