AllBinary Platform start of Open Sourcing

I decided to open up my 1 million SLOC. It will take me a while as in months to get it all out.

You can see the beginnings at:

This is basically the move toward this:,22604.msg186622.html#msg186622

As such I am looking for pointers from anyone that has opened up a large project. Any thoughts?


Two comments:

  1. The website doesn’t look professional at all and the color combinations are (almost) hurting my eyes.
  2. The website is waaaaay too slow, normally you should try to aim for less than 2 seconds.


It’s actually is less than 1.2 seconds when it has some volume. It spins down when not in use.

As far as pretty websites well I am not an artist so I do what I can.

I am not looking to make nice web UI since not one big commerce site is nice looking.

I tested it a few times and it usually takes 8-10 seconds for me (even if I hit reload just after it has finished loading).

Let me put it like this, if you’re not comfortable with making graphics then don’t try to, keep the website simple instead and only choose 2-3 colors to work with.


EDIT: Reloaded it a few more times and now it’s performing quicker, maybe look into the “spin down”?

The spin down is the AppEngine. Only moderate volume makes the delay go away.

I actually like my color selection. It is a little annoying, but I guess I just like it that way. If I ever get funding I will have a great artist make something pretty, but in the end it’s still an e-commerce website meant for low cost views so it will always look poorly compared to nice websites.

Can you recommend some videos and a good game to showcase AllBinary? I would like to write a blog post on Free Gamer about the source release.

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The Android versions are available from the Android Market at:

HTML5 versions:

The BlackBerry versions are available from the App World at:

3 year old video:

3 year old Applet & JNLP versions:

I have passed up 3 million in COCOMO value according to:

After I finish the 2 games I am working on I will make a tutorial. A few weeks after I release a tutorial I will probably have a competition.

I am thinking prizes or something to generate interest for the winners.

Not sure I’d put much emphasis on that COCOMO value thingie. It also estimates the work effort at 55 person-years, and I’m pretty sure you haven’t devoted 55 years of your life into that thing.

10 years and I code 5x faster than the average person off the computer programming wagon. So no it really is about 50 years of average work for a noob developer. Its still only about half of the code I have worked on over the last 10 years.

Although, I agree the value is X as long as it makes X regardless the amount of work put into code.

At the same time when I add robots I think it could be 10 time plus the COCOMO value.

Lake Wobegon Effect, it seems everyone is above average. And how is this measured, anyway? SLOC? I just replaced a 10,000 LOC project with a codebase that’s 3,000 and actually has more features. Did I just lose 70% of the development effort?

I’m happy to see that there’s something there there as AllBinary goes (I was initially quite skeptical) but COCOMO is still a relative measure on a completely arbitrary scale, and a vague one at that. Let the thing speak for itself, I say.

Does not compute, unless you’ve been working 16 hours a day for 10 years.

I’d rather think the “value” of a product (or e.g. a bit of software) is what someone is willing to pay for it, not how much effort went into it (the two being completely unrelated).

For me personally, the number of SLOC is usually in inverse proportion to it’s value. If something does what I need in fewer SLOC, it’s often more valuable for me than if it would need more SLOC.

Simplicity is the mother of all good. Complicatedness is the father of all evil. But I’m sure they make wonderful babies together.

Bill Gates paraphrase (can’t resist): Measuring the worth of code by line count is like measuring the worth of airplane by weight.