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What I’m saying is - who other than you says it’s a commonly understood definition, and where are the figures and metrics? Googling around I see no consensus and certainly no figures. It would appear you’ve extrapolated your own views and decided that you’re part of the common majority! And maybe you are, but you can’t tell tberthel it’s not open source just because it doesn’t have a license you personally don’t think is what everyone else agrees is open source.

Cas :slight_smile:

:o I sincerely hope you’re joking! Try googling and counting how many pages of results you have to go through before you find a page that supports any other definition. If you want more figures, go find 'em and prove me wrong. I’m too busy today to be that bothered! :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s an arse over tit argument, really. I just use the definition that the majority of people I know use, and extrapolated from there!

Ironically, shared is less applicable to M$’ license than open, because M$ opened up their source for others to see, but surely does not share this code with others that want to use it :o

Yep, clear as mud! Unfortunately, it seems to be the term that’s catching on as there’s now quite a few other companies besides Microsoft using it. The alternative “source available” is perhaps more accurate, but Microsoft isn’t renowned for its clear use of language - I’ve heard that they call Windows an Operating System. ;D


What is wrong with me? I don’t see the relationship between m77, tberthel and me (except that m77 wrote a doom-like). Please could you just stop bothering me? What’s the point?

You’re a strange character, Julien! That is the similarity.

Cas :slight_smile:

We are all different, we are all “strange” from a certain point of view. I’m not a character, I’m a real human being. I hate normative approaches. Sorry for the off topic.

Don’t take it personally Jullien.

Cas, you should have known Jullien would take it personally :slight_smile:

You’re right - apologies.

Cas :slight_smile:

I like “source available” for source that’s there to read, but not legally redistributable. As I understand it, Minecraft is releasing source under that sort of arrangement.

It would seem neither bitbucket nor github care how you license your code as long as you acknowledge that you’re posting on a site that deliberately allows people to download and fork your codebase. Were I a lawyerly sort, I could argue one is waiving distribution control by posting code on such a site, but github and bitbucket’s position is that they won’t get in the middle of it.

It is an impressive feat to have a 1 million line project, even though it has taken you a while.

What I think you should have done before you came here and presented your project is: Make the web-presence of you project look attractive. Right now your ohloh page is pretty empty, the page is very ugly, and documentation is severely lacking.

Presentation does half the job of selling something like this. If the sites that present this project look like you don’t care about making something good, then no one is going to sit down and read your code to find out if the code is awesome. They will just assume the project is as sloppy as the site it sits on.

Anyway, good luck with the project. Get someone to help you with a proper web-presence, make a great game, and maybe you’ll get it off the ground. 8)