I think maybe some awesome games might be more of an advertisement then. See for example what Kev Glass has achieved with Legends of Yore - same game on desktop, in browser (in applet and HTML5 form), iOS, Android and soon Flex! Quite nifty.
It will never be finished. How long did you wait for Java7? Is Java 7 finished?
My philosophy is that software is never finished it is merely released.
Wild claims? Breakthrough technical functionality? LOL I am one person with zero money I just code all day. While I may have some breakthrough I have told no one.
I will now make my first wild claim just for fun. I have the only action game with the same code base that runs as J2ME, Android, J2SE, and HTML5.
If you don’t believe me then you have not played MiniSpaceWars w/Vectors game on all those platforms.
I was just happy to show that I have at least one game with the same code on J2ME, Android, J2SE, and HTML5. Also, my code on GitHub is available for anyone to see. It is not secret. Sorry that it is only part of it.
Sorry that it is so annoying and spam-like to you. I just wanted to share my diagram so that people know how it all works together. I actually have some other documentation, but the diagram was new.
I will make less than 2 threads more before I have a binary build and a tutorial.
I agree his was more spammy and advertisement like than mine. Just kidding, but you made it sound that way with your first sentence.
Well I don’t really want to get into a competition and I like virtually all developers even those that say I am a spammer.
I have a 3D Multi-Player game.
His do not run as J2ME or on BlackBerry phones.
I like action games and and LY is too slow for my taste.
So, I think I am slightly more nifty with Android, J2ME, J2SE, and HTML5 with more action. I have him by several hundred million devices. I will support iOS with my native build and possibly with ActionScript and currently with HTML5.
While I think my action games are more fun he does put together a better game with more content.
Does a more well done game with more content really whip up on more technical achievements and speed?
Who wins Asteroids/2 or Whumpus? I think it really depends on the individual. I just have a different direction and view of games.
I’ve seen the github site. Sure is an … interesting layout. Where I can find actual code, it looks like an explosion at a Design Patterns factory. Naturally there isn’t a speck of documentation to be found.
1/3 of the actual code is in the repo. And the comments are not great, but they do represent the average amount according to ohloh. I do have some documentation, but I probably will not put it in the main source repo.
Yes I use the factory pattern oh the horror. How dare I use design patterns. Next thing you will bitch about me using to many composites or classes.
I don’t think it’s fair to include Julien in there. Fine, he winds people up sometimes, but at least he contributes something. It belittles how much of a PITA the other two are! ;D
* AllBinary Open License Version 1
* Copyright (c) 2011 AllBinary
* By agreeing to this license you and any business entity you represent are
* legally bound to the AllBinary Open License Version 1 legal agreement.
* You may obtain the AllBinary Open License Version 1 legal agreement from
* AllBinary or the root directory of AllBinary's AllBinary Platform repository.
* Created By: Travis Berthelot
package allbinary.media.image;
import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration;
import java.awt.Transparency;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
public class BufferedImageUtil {
public static BufferedImage create(int width, int height)
GraphicsConfiguration gc = ImageUtil.getDefaultConfiguration();
return gc.createCompatibleImage(
width, height,