AIR 2 integration

hi y’all
I’m trying to figure out how to integrate JInput into Adobe AIR 2. I’ve never worked with Java before and didn’t find a tutorial anywhere so I’d appreciate even the smallest hint.

JInput is a Java library, so if you can get java working with AIR and allow them to interact reliably then it should be possible.

But seems like a rather long winded solution.



Why would you do that? AIR sucks.

yeh, AIR really blows. :slight_smile:

And to be slightly more constructive, Swing blows slightly less than AIR. So just use that.

Microsoft + Adobe = MicroBe ;D

AIR is a crap

Not that I’ve tried AIR, why is it so crap? (ignoring speed, not as many libraries,… maybe I answered my own question).

As for topic I wouldn’t know why would one would want to mix AIR with Java. A quick search seems it is possible however.

Thanks for the constructive criticism everyone would be nice to know why you think AIR blows that much but I’m trying to create a simple game with controller-input without learning a whole new language. AIR doesn’t support it (hey, I found something myself) and I thought someone around here could’ve already done it and is willing to give me a little help.

I used AIR to code an application some time ago. As I understand it there are 2 ways to code in AIR. Javascript or Flash. I suppose you could mix the 2 also. How were you going to code your game?

Maybe learning a whole new language would be better than mixing AIR with JInput, we could provide you some good tutorials to learn the basics: