AI System


Just incase anyone is interested, im building an AI infrastructure for jME.

It can be found at

It is only a proposed AI System, and it wil not be integrated into the actual jME API, but will be a seperate jar, if it proves itself that is.


Is there any chance you could write in an uncoupled way so that it might be used in any 2D or 3D rendering system?


Currently, there are only one dependancy.

And that is that a Geometry has to have a name. Spatials are the super of Geometry and Node.

So it will search a spatial, determine whether its a Node or a Geometry Object, and pick out the names of the Geometry.

So if you can build around that, e.g. in Xith3D, you have a fully functional (albeit not fully featured) AI Engine.

I dont know Xith very much, but does it have Nodes/Geometries?

Thx, DP

Bearing in mind that I don’t know what I’m talking about :wink:

Why does the AI system need to even know about what the node/geometry structure is like?


So you can obtain a Entity from spatial collisions. That is really the only valid reason:

if (collisionWithPlayer == true) {
  Entity t = aiSystem.getEntityFromSpatial(theSpatialThatItCollidedWith);

Thats it really.