Ah, Maze!

This isn’t a game, per se, but it’s rather fun to play around with and I think will eventually evolve into some sort of game.

Basically, it randomly generates a maze using the Drunkard’s Walk algorithm, then solves it with either A* or backtracking. You can also do a few other fun things with it.

More info here:

Webstart here:

Oh yeah, and it’s open source (there is a download link on the web page), so if you’re interested in learning any of these algorithms go ahead and give it a look.

Nice little demo!

That’s cool!

And thanks for sharing the code. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the comments. :smiley:

Does anyone maybe have any ideas on how this could be adapted to a game? I was thinking that maybe doing some sort of pacman thing would be fun, albeit ridiculously difficult. Or maybe you just need to get certain items and then to the goal in certain matter of time, or maybe an AI pops out and starts following you after a certain amount of seconds.

I could even make it slightly RPG-esque and put in monsters that attack and fight you, and you gain stats as you defeat them. The maze can get more complicated the more levels you win, until like then 10th level where you fight a boss. Something like that would be easy to implement and quite fun.