Aevum Obscurum Revenue for 2007

I figured, I might as well share this just for the sake of it. It’s last years income and expense report for my game…

Gross Income: US$2300 (membership fees: 90%, advertisements: 10%)
Expenses: ditto income or more
Net Profit: US$0

Original Blog Entry:

That’s how it goes :smiley: Thanks for posting that. I’d consider it a success meself.

Cas :slight_smile:

interesting. its not a huge amount but it is still impressive, im curious about how much cas has made too :wink:

infact player numbers/units sold etc all make for interesing stats :smiley:

I hope I am going to able to make about the same this year. It would cover the hosting costs. I generally charge a $20/year membership fee, although, you can play without paying. There are lots of freeloaders. ;D I got about 120 paying members last year. Overall I have about 17000 registered members of whom about 100-150 actively play everyday, totaling about 1000-1500 active players for 2007. Sorry, the last number is a guess.

It’s a rather crude multiplayer turn-based strategy game, but it turns out there are not only older folks (33y) like me, but quite some younger people that also enjoy the game.

Hope that helps?

Interesting stuff. This tallies with Runescapes figures - about 10% of players pay…

10% is a remarkably good conversion rate! It all depends on what the upsell is.

FYI, Puppygames made about $7,000 profit last year, and that was split 50/50 between me and Chaz, so unfortunately, about a tenth of what we’d need to live on. But then we only spent about 5 months actually “working” last year on Puppygames too.

Cas :slight_smile:

Yeah, you guys at puppygames do a great job! I especially like the graphics! ;D

yes quite interesting, thanks :slight_smile:

Not for online games - that’s the conservative end. Top end is around 20%.

It’s a different value proposition, so in a sense not even comparable to non-online-only games.