advergaming+mobile games

I’ve got to write 60 pages about advertising/marketing with/in onlinegames/mobilegames/browsergames.
I googled around and found some articles, all saying the same.

Now I need statistics and figueres I can use… (gaming market, user statistics,…)
There are great ressources, for example some studies from Frost & Sullivan, but I can’t afford to pay 5000 dollars for reading it. I could afford 0.5 dollar. :-/

please post links to (recent) information

thank you, gentlemen.

I doubt you can find any acurate aggregate information (beyond simple case studies) on computer games used as advertisment. But if you find any good resources, then please post in this thread. I think many are interested in the subject - I certainly am.

For general information look at sites as gamasutra or npd (, For online gaming look at the number of online players of the most popular browser game websites (pogo, popcap, yahoo games …). Find their stats and crosscheck at alexa (

I would also look at public accounts of game publisher and resellers. If available.

Those guys will most likely be able to help you out

The study that hansdampf is referring to is very interesting and it has an online presentation with mp3s and powerpoints:

It is on the mobile gaming market in Europe. First time I heard it.

Some good info on the presentation.

Advergaming will like the PC and console market for advergaming become popular. But mobile offer much more personalisation options, but the principles are the same. With the issues of piracy and business models for mobile content advergaming may prove to be a viable business model for java mobile games.

Advergaming and advertising on mobile phones in general will be as big as other mass market mediums. Check out for extreme sports mobile video advertising

We’re also conducting extensive studies with some Universities in advergaming, expecially in Europe.

Figures look interesting, but the success rate of the phenom cannot be so easily predicted.

BTW advergaming itself is a too broad definitions. For example: the new Anarchy Online (that now offers free accounts with advertisement banners in-game, like advertisement panels on the edge of the roads in real life)) is an Advergame or not? Gran Turismo series (or FIFA) are advergames or not? Even if people pay (a lot!) for them, all these games are permeated by commercial trade marks and explicit advertisements of merchandise and people.

Reducing the phenom to only shallow web based games featuring a product can be reductive in my opinions.

the one thing is called advergaming (includes browser games/download games and videopropaganda like America’s Army=games for free, the other one is called in-game advertising (placements, banners,…)

here are some more or less helpful links: