Adding a trailer behind a missile

I know how to add a trailer behind a missile, but I am having trouble getting the right coordinates, the trailer is a bit off.
So, first, I rotate the image so it is facing the target and render it:

float rotation = (float) getAngle(x, y, targetX, targetY);
g.rotate(x, y, rotation + 90);
g.drawImage(missile, x, y);

Then, I try to render the trailer behind the missile like this:

if(trailer != null)
	g.rotate(x, y + realHeight, rotation + 90);
	stage.append(trailer.getClone(x, y + realHeight));

And finally, I make the rotation normal:

[quote]g.rotate(0, 0, 0);
Obviously this doesn’t work.
Any one have any idea?

What do you mean not work? they’re not or wrong rotated?

the trailer is a bit off.
Also, the rotation is insignificant. It the position(i e behind the rocket) that is important.

Providing images of the issue should make it much easier to de-bug.

You’re rotating around the top left corners of your images.

The green thing is the target.

So what exactly is the problem? What is that green marker thing?

ra4king: That lime-green circle is the target. The other dark-greyed-green-line is the smoke, which is incorrectly placed.
But never mind that. I solved it, but a new problem occurred.

I see the problem. This line:
stage.append(trailer.getClone(x, y + realHeight));
This just adds the trailer to the game, it does not render it. That happens later, when the rotation is restored to normal.

So I thought, I use g.renderAnimation instead of stage.append, so I can render it on the method where the rotation is taking place. The trailer is just an graphical effect anyway, with no properties.
I quickly succeed to get the trailer where I wanted.
However, I am getting erroneous results with drawAnimation(org.newdawn.slick.Animation).
It seems like multiple animations that use the very same Image object can not be present at the same time.
Even if I am calling drawAnimation every frame, only one animation is seeable. That is not the only problem, the graphic context is not rendering all frames in the animation. Yepp, for some reason, it is skipping some frames, making it look like it is blinking.
Can anyone explain this?