ADC2 (Android Developer Challenge 2)

Is anyone here entering the ADC2?

I’ll be entering a game called “Head To Head Racing”

wow.server/client game, cool~

Ahhh, it looks strangely familiar. :wink: Brilliant idea to get massive amounts of testing! The game looks really cool!

I will be entering SingSong. This is going to be exciting!

I have lots of Android gaming ideas after I finish my contest submission. I’ve been working on the desktop game for about a year and the Android game for months… needless to say I am sick of damned karaoke games! I’ll be happy to work on something else.

I’m not going to have anything done in time, unless I submit my Football Game. Was hoping to dual release that on iPhone and Android though - think that’ll still be ok?


So whats the deal - you cant submit something that is already on the market? It wont let me do that…

I think you can’t submit something that was on the market before August 1st, or something like that. Apps already available on other platforms, like desktop apps, can be submitted. So Kev, I think it is fine to release your app on the iPhone at the same time. Definitely submit something if you can! The exposure should be pretty nice.

I expected more posts here. I guess everyone is busy on last minute items for their apps! I just finished mine and submitted it literally 5 minutes ago. It has been a long time in the making. I certainly hope all the hard work pays off! Even if I don’t win anything, the game is pretty dang fun, IMO! :smiley:

I’m guessing a lot of Java game devs here don’t do Android yet.

I read that there were 1,700 entries in the ADC1 (across all categories), so there should be lots of competition!

Nate is correct. Also, you must give it a different package name if you are submitting an app that is already on the market (posted after 1st August).

1700? Interesting. That means that 11% of all submissions will make it to the second round (top 20 of the 10 categories).

I read a bit about package names for ADC2. Apparently ADC2 will share the same package namespace as the Market. You have to use a new package name for ADC2, so you won’t be able to use the same name for the Market. I read they recommend appending “.adc2” to your package name for your submission. This is what I did (at the last minute) and I also set the versionName to “ADC2”.

Anyone know when voting begins? Can’t wait to see what people came up with!

Any time in September. From Google:

[quote]September: ADC2 client/scoring app goes up on Market; users begin reviewing apps
I would take a guess and say it would be at the start of September, as it wouldn’t make any sense to delay it.

Don’t think I’m gonna enter. My game isn’t exactly breathtaking technology advancement wise. Just a nice little game :slight_smile:


Neither is mine. I figured the free exposure would be good. And I’m hoping to come in the top 50%. 8)

Boooo! You can’t win if you don’t play! :wink: Remember, regular users are voting. Maybe everyone else tried too hard, and maybe people just want a nice little game. :slight_smile:

I’ve got a question… if I want to sell my submitted app, should I wait for the contest to be over or just list it in the Market now?

I’ve been wondering about that too. Nothing stopping you selling your app now, however, you might annoy people that bought it, as they will find they could have got it for free from the contest.

Personally, I’m going to wait until the contest is over before selling it.

Also, don’t forget to put an expiry in your ADC version, as the user will be allowed to keep the ADC version forever.

I was thinking of waiting for the contest to be over as well. Then I was getting anxious about it, now I’m back to waiting, thanks. :slight_smile:

I did build in an expiration. Just for kicks, if someone bypasses the Java check, let’s just say they will be removing the batteries from their phone! :smiley: :-X

However, check this:
There “David McLaughlin (Android Advocate)” says:

[quote]> So…will ADC2 apps be used by people outside of ADC2 judging?

No, apps will be removed from the device after the judging period is
over. If developers want to, they may release their app into the
standard Market, but that will be the only version they will need to
So I think the expiration is just to keep people from backing up the APK and installing it after the contest.

Call me crazy, but I tend to do what Google says, rather then what people on the Google forums say.


[quote]We recommend that your trial version include full functionality, but with a timed expiration, rather than including limited functionality with no expiration.

I was referring to the last bit of your post:

[quote]Also, don’t forget to put an expiry in your ADC version, as the user will be allowed to keep the ADC version forever.
AFAIK, Google hasn’t stated that the users will get to keep the submissions they judge.

Think I missed the submission dead line, had it all drafted up to in (including a 2009 fall back to lite version clause) but seems I can’t click the button this morning.

The links are all still live, just can’t submit.


Yea. Submissions are now closed. :’(