

I spent the last few years making an MMORPG called Aberoth.

It is available to play at http://www.aberoth.com

You can see additional screenshots and a video at http://www.aberoth.com/media.html

Both the client and server are written entirely in Java. The server runs on a headless Linux box, and the client is a Java applet using Canvas and Java sound.

There are currently 7 skills, well over 100 unique items, and a bunch of monsters, quests, and zones. Players are given a lot of freedom, and PvP is allowed (but the community is very friendly).

The graphics are pixely, but each pixel is actually a voxel with depth in the game world. Therefore, you can stack and climb items and get on top of structures. Items also never disappear from the server (except in shops), so permanent structures or art can be made. I recently added per voxel lighting, which can be seen in some areas.

The game has sound, but by default sound is disabled. I use a signed applet to copy sounds files to the local PC, and did not want the user to have to accept a signed applet before even seeing the game. To enable sound, check the “enable sound” check box on the log in screen. The “Log In” link is below the main window. The stand alone client has sound enabled by default.

I would love for you to came play and would appreciate any feedback you have. I would also like to be rated and considered for the Featured Games board.


Where is the rebel leader?! ???

very cool, nice animation, fun, and polished.


Is it new record? Kappa posted “featured” on 3rd post :o

I love how she runs :slight_smile:

Thanks kappa. You made my day!

Graphics are amazing, I think that is a new record for featured :smiley:

Do keep in mind that getting into the Featured Section isn’t about how old the thread is or the number of posts/replies but about the quality of the game :slight_smile:

Holy crap this is awesome! Great job! :slight_smile:

Yeah but mostly you only show up when the author screamed “RATE MY MASTAHPIST PLEASE!” ;D
dunno if you usually ignore them, or you just happened to cross by here.

Nice project. How many people are already online at times?

It varies quite a bit. The most I’ve ever had on at once was about 35, which happened fairly recently. Usually there are maybe 10. At the least populated time of day there might be 2 or 3 people on. I don’t have a global command to display who is on, but if you say “who” to the bartender in game, he will tell you who is playing. You can also say “recently” to him and get a list of everyone who has logged on in the last 24 hours.

i’ve been playing for a half an hour. Last time i’ve played more time only after released “Gothic 2”.

ps. sorry for my english