A simple question.

I’ve downloaded the current release onto my system (redhat ws 4 64bit). I am getting the glibc_2.4 unsatisfied link error. Am I hosed with respect to using the latest JOGL release or is there someway I can upgrade/build my way out of the problem?

I’m trying to see if I have another route beside Java3d here.

Sorry, we don’t support pre-glibc 2.4 64-bit systems. You can build JOGL yourself from source.

Thanks for the fast reply. I have no problem trying a build.

Are there any likely problems from using old libs like this, or is it just a complain because JOGL is built against a later version?

(my linux box is feeling very unfashionable. i hope it doesn’t crash in despair)

Well about the only struggle I had was some eclipse snafu with ld library path. You might want to indicate antlr2.7.7 as the version to build gluegen against. Otherwise gears works great.