A Puzzle.

My coworker made this puzzle:

“How am I supposed to get letters out of this? The numbers seem so off-base!”


( the answer is 8 blanks )

I don’t know the answer yet, also puzzling it out. I know it isn’t base 9 though.

Is “the numbers seem so off-base” a clue that these are base-something numbers or are not base-something numbers?

Also, are you given any other clues than 4 rows of 10 numbers?

There’s one easy way to turn that into 8 letters. Does asjiskel mean anything to you?

Why? What are the odds of the numbers having all digits except 9?

I know because I now know the answer, and the guy who made the puzzle said base 9 was in the wrong direction. :slight_smile:

Then don’t say you know it, put da ANSWAH! ;D and the HAWTU!

3057515214 = 0xB63DFACE … (bOLdface)
3203718446 = 0xBEF4DD2E … (befUddLe)
3737643614 = 0xDEC7EA5E … (decReaSe)
4025600712 = 0xEFF1CAC8 … (effIcacY)



How do you get L from 6? And then later from 2? Or are those just “wildcards” and you’re supposed to fill in the blanks?

You mean L from 3 and O from 6?

Hmmmm… it walks like a puzzle, talks like a puzzle, but it is not a puzzle. :-\

My brain = blown.

Yeah I dunno. Apparently the guy who made this is the 3rd place puzzle master in the country or something. :o

I think I’ll stick to coding :stuck_out_tongue:

Self-proclaimed, I suppose.

Obviously… :persecutioncomplex:

THERE IS THE NINE-ishhh! :point:

Lol. ;D

Nope. He’s 5 times the fastest crossword puzzle solver in the nation. And other crap too. I’m sure there’s something else to this.

That must suck that it has to be something so trivial. Now if he were 5 times the fastest math problem solver…

The Human CPU! :open_mouth:

Hello, iCPU!