A poor man's struct (err, MappedObject)

Indeed. I run all benchmarks against the server-vm for erm… performance-reasons :slight_smile:

i’d say: no. a bytebuffer’s get and put methods are always a bit slower than direct array accesses. (at least the last 10 times i looked at the results)
if i simply call a bytebuffer’s private put/get-methods (jdk hack) which don’t do bounds checks manually, i’m almost at array speed (50% slower). if i inline the calls and access the unsafe object directly, using (base+(offset<<2)) as the address to get an int, i’m really almost at array speed (up to 10% difference, sometimes faster, sometimes slower, which means it’s pretty equal). using any precalucated value as an address speeds things up, and i’m at 200% array speed.
i assume this means:
a) java uses the same calculation to access random values in arrays
b) java doesn’t do array bounds checks if the vm can be sure that no evil index will be used.