Hi folks,
I’m working on a particle library that you can see in action at http://www.in-poculis.com/partykewl/partykewlEditor.jnlp
It uses 32 bytes per particles and memory is not fragmented because a large FloatBuffer is allocated at the initialization.
Here is how particles are managed:
- Dead particles:
2 Bytes indicating the position of the next dead particle. 0xffff -> end of list.
- Alive particles:
- [][] 2 bytes indicating the position of the next alive particle. 0xffff -> end of list.
- [] 1 bit used to know if this particle is in world space or not
1 bit to know if this particle has already collide with something
1 bit unused
5 bit for the index of the emitter in the parent generator( to retrieve bases for life, velocity...)
- [] 1 byte for the last update frame. This is a 255 modulo and it just serves for debugging purposes.
- [][][][] 4 bytes for particle life. This value is updated on each rendering pass.
- [][][][] 4 bytes seed to regenerate parameters
- [][][][] 4 bytes for creation position X // Updated on collision
- [][][][] 4 bytes for creation position Y // Updated on collision
- [][][][] 4 bytes for creation position Z // Updated on collision
- [][][][] 4 bytes for compressed direction X, Y, Z // Updated on collision
- [][] 2 bytes for velocity coefficient // Updated on collision
- [][] 2 byte for delta life. We have to add this value to the particle life to know
the full elapsed time since the creation of the particle because collision affectors reset
the life of particles when they update the particule position and direction.
Where are the UV, the color… ?
A seed is stored within each particle. When particles are renderered, we use a home made java random number generator to retrieve values in the range [-1, 1] for each parameter !
Yes, if you know that the first variable is the color, then using the random number generator with the same seed will always return the same value in the range [-1, 1] for your random color. You then use this value in the range [-1, 1] as the seed for a new call to the random number generator to get a new value ( used for the UV this time )…
The method:
public static float nextNormalizedRandom( float p_seed ) {
// Create a random integer with p_seed as a integer.
int l_value=214013*Float.floatToIntBits(p_seed)+2531011;
// Consider l_value as a float and
// keep only the mantissa (IEEE 754)
// Make the number in the range [2.F, 4.F[ (IEEE 754)
// Consider the bits of l_value as representing a float
// then return an adjusted float in the range [-1.F, 1.F[
return Float.intBitsToFloat(l_value)-3.f;
You can do a interesting benchmark: call this method 100 millions times in a C++ for loop ( use a direct cast for Float.floatToIntBits ). VC++ 2005 is 10% slower than java on my computer in release !
More explanations ?
Why is the editor so beautiful ?
Because it uses the dev.java.net project: Substance !
Performances ?
10 000 particles per frame at 75hz on an Athlon 64@3.2GHz + GeForce 6600 + 512MB + 17"
By the way, you can add your own affectors and an abstract renderer is present to allow you to use it with another renderer.
My questions:
What do you think of the editor ?
I would like to publish the source as GPL, so is there a best place to publish such a library ?
Advice: The best Sokoban on this earth (Indyo) was registered only one time in 2007 ! Result: the graphist left the team. If you could lend yours to me… or register dozen of copies, maybe that he’ll be back. Thx, http://www.in-poculis.com