A near blasphemous question...

This might be a little controversial, but I promise that it’s asked in innocence. I’m mainly just curious…

But can Java use DirectX? I know that OpenGL is superior for multiple platforms, but with most consumer graphics cards on Windows, DirectX is much faster (usually). So anyone ever used Java with DirectX? Or is it possible?

Why is it that I always find the answer right after I post, even though I looked for it before? :-[ Disregard the newbie this time! :wink:

[quote]DirectX is much faster
There should be < 5% difference in speed between DX and GL; if not, something is wrong. The Nvidia drivers are indistinguishable for the main part, mainly because they both use the same underlying code. (Another obvious reason why writing a further layer to wrap both GL and D3D is a bit like wearing pants outside your trousers to save on laundry bills)

Cas :slight_smile:

DirectX is much faster (usually)
stop reading MS FUD

never seen ogl slower than DX or DX slower than GL (with correctly done drivers)


Now, if i could only get my hands on a Glide API ;D