Im looking for a game that supports both DirectX and OpenGL and can be used as a reliable benchmark to compare my DirectX perfomance against my OpenGL performance. Does anyone know a game like this or a free benchmark tool perhaps ?
Futuermark only benchmarks directx. Not bechmarks that can be set to work for opengl or directx and then compare the results. But thanks anyway.
It’s also very hard to find a game that can work with either directx or opengl.
probably too old to be useful, however the original Half Life allowed you to choose renders. I am sure that there are demo/ benchmark sequences for the game.
What about Half-Life 2? Perhaps it still supports both dx and opengl?
afaik, HL only had OpenGL and software renderers, and HL2 is DirectX only.
It seems to me that you have to be aware that in such a game benchmark, you’re also measuring the difference in the use of the API’s by that game, and not only the differences between OpenGL and DX performance on your machine.
For example, the original Unreal engine could render using software, D3D, OpenGL and 3DFX. But obviously it was at first primarily developed for 3DFX, and as a result any other API implementation performed quite bad.
The Unreal / Unreal Tornament games always used to support both (although the option for the GL renderer is usually somewhat hidden). UT2004 should be available on budget now (and worth buying anyway :P)
It’s almost everything directx these days except for UT (hiden gl?), java and Doom based engines.
Anything else, not necessarly a game that can compare directx x opengl performance ?
It’s allways good to use more than one app to do good tests.
maybe you can use [url][quote]
and try it on the D3D and OGL versions of Java3D