4Kanvas - Online Voxelediting

Hi, this is an early testversion of a small 4k Voxelediting program.


(click the window to gain focus…)

W,A,S,D -> moves the cursor horizontally
Q -> Cursor Down
E -> Cursor Up
Space -> place a Voxel
Del -> remove Voxel
1 to 9 -> choose voxel color


L -> Load from the server (your current canvas will be updated with the server-content)
G -> Save your Progress to the server (will overwrite any other edits on the server)

Cursorkeys -> move the view around

i know its too many keys and no mouse controls. I will work on that.

It should at startup try to download the servermap (there is only one now, so dont put naughty stoff on)
Even if you cant connect to the server, you can test around a bit.

When you made something funny, hit “G” to save the progress,
and with “L” you Load the current servermap again.

Tell me if the keyboardlayout does not work meanigfully (like on the french key-layout).
Later I will try to implement a propper mousecontrol.

Right now I want to mainly test if the connection works.
The certificate is selfmade, so you will have to confirm to it to load from the server.
(dont worry, there is no bad stuff in it.)

Regards, Damocles

Hey dude, well done. I could only dream of creating something like this.


I’m getting connection errors, but I’m behind a fairly heavy firewall. I’m not sure if it’s intended as a result of the connection error, but the cursor controls don’t seem to do anything.

Oh, use WASD and Q/E to move the cursor.
The cursorkeys just move the view. (no mouse yet, but you need to click the window for focus)
The client runs offline, and only makes a connection when loading/saving.

I put the connection on Port 40336 to my server.

It runs fine with OpenJDK.

Good to hear.
Can you make some edits, and them hit “G”, I just want to see if the upload of data works propperly.

Nice job :slight_smile:

Not much game/toy about it though. Atleast I wasn’t entertained for that long…
But I guess it serves as a pretty good proof of concept of something exciting to come :slight_smile:

Now, I’ll return to my Legos :smiley:

(Btw. I drew a low-res version of my cubic earth drawing :o)

  • Scarzzurs

I don’t know if it’s bug


btw source will be great ;D

thanks Scarzzurs, at least I saw some changes to the map.
The earth is really cute.

[quote]I don’t know if it’s bug
No, thats just the floor you drew into. The bottom is initially 1 cube high grey cubes.
You can use the DEL key to erase voxels on the floor too.

Source comes later. Its not nicelooking right now anyhow. Dont want to embarris myself :persecutioncomplex:

The editing is not much fun without the mouse. But at least all the controls are there.
I should make several maps to save into, right now there is just a single global 64x64x24 map.
Well yes, its just a proof of concept for some other project.
(no nessecarity voxelbased, I just always wanted to make a voxel editor)

oh yes:

The server is included in the jar.
You start the server with the appletparameters “s” and value “s”
and the client gets the parameter “i” and the value “” (whatever is the ip adress of the server)
(you can see the details in my html code)

Please tell us that you are going to make a new game from this impressive demo.

This was more intended as test for a collection of technologies (networking mainly)

I just wanted to check some shared content creation methods.

Nice! Always wanted to do this kind of graphic perspective but never got the time to sit down and learn about it. Solid job so far, online editing would be really fun like minecraft :slight_smile: