4k demo contest?

For me the purpose of the competition is to create something cool within the rules. I don’t really care about showing off Java, OpenGL or anything else.

I think it would be interesting to see what can be done with OpenGL. Shaders should compress well :slight_smile: And its optional, you can use Java2D if you want instead.

But if it puts people off its ok by me to make the competition Java2D-only.

This is a cool idea. I’m in.

about the time it is maybe better to let more than one month (for people who want to participate but are busy the month of the contest)

With Java4K (gameplay 4K) we just saw that 2 months is not enough.

Let’s keep it 3 months, for all 4K contests.

moved to top most.

No 1.6, please, Apple looks like they will never release it for Mac so I’d need to do 1.5.

30 or 60 sec, after initial loading, that is, k?
Java 5 is fine. It’s not like we can’t live without a few new classes and methods.
And anybody who relies on Java2D performance increase in Java 6, won’t get it in any non Sun JVM anyway.

Sun JRE or does it have to run on any JRE?

I like this idea. However, I don’t think it’s a good idea to allow voting during the competition period. Just set a fixed voting period (say, 2 or 3 weeks) after the contest. :slight_smile:

Really? Sure, there were entries submitted in the last month, but how many of those were started in the first month?

Probably only a few, but that’s not the point. People have other things to do, like jobs, and a fair percentage of the entries were submitted in the 3rd month.

And why would a Java4K demo contest have less months than the Java4K gameplay contest…

cause gameplay takes more than a 30 second demo.

hum… demo should be pretty hard specially because they are not game

why? you dotn have to worry about gameplay.

If you mess around with rotations (in openGL atleast) you will find some pretty cool demos.

Creating a nice demo that people will enjoy to watch and want to watch again is hard.
And its no longer going to be OpenGL.
For a successful demo you need something nice to look at, something meaningful or something that makes the user think and music to set the mood. Very hard for 4k.
I have watched many 64kb demos, I even tried to make one once.

Every contest is as hard as the competition.

I think it is the point. It’s not that two months is too short but that the advertising in the previous 9 months didn’t reach everyone who would have been interested.

I vote against targeting a specific JRE brand. The demos should run on Mac or be disqualified, imho.

Oh, and applets! AAAPPLLEEEETS!! =D

I guess we will find out :slight_smile:

We can always repeat this contest, it’s not a one time only forever and eternity event. If ALL the demos suck (which I doubt) then we might want to use different rules next time and use OpenGL and wider restrictions on the KB limit.

im in, but i have no idea what i should do that could be impressive, this will take some thinking… :slight_smile: