4bidden Fruit

Whirly thing no longer gets stuck. Made it to the end. Great game! Heaps of fun! 8)

Wow! I got noticed by the pros!
Email from Q-Games;

Hey there,

Nice applet - but can you mention on the main page that it is a homage (or takes inspiration from or whatever) to “PixelJunk Eden, a title available for download from PSN on the PS3”.

Or we’ll get into trouble with the publishers (Sony).


Comforting to think the top-drawer companies keep their eye on Java4K!

Browser game pick at Indie Games! Video, screenshots & everything! all smug

whoa congratz man. how long did this take you?

you could try to make AA FPS based. If the FPS drops below a certain value (e.g 20) disable it. I really like the game, good work!

Really cool graphics. I love those fractal trees. The cloudy pink sky also appears very fractal like. Nice color scheme and shadows. This is essentially a puzzle game. There are no enemies attacking you and you apparently can take all the time you want to accomplish the goal. But, 20 crescents seem like too many. I grew 4 trees (one floating) and I got 14 crescents, but now it just seems very repetitive. What happens when you hit 20?