40x30 EGA Contest

Can I get expressions of interest for a 40x30 EGA game contest. Would be similar in format to Java4K, several months long ending around July.
Applets only, 40x30 pixel canvas with colours only from the EGA palette.


I’d be interested in something like that. :slight_smile:

I would as well !

So we can have 16 colours from a palette of 64 colour based on two bits each for Red, Green, Blue?
40 x 30 pixels.

  • It’ll need a really small font 8x6, maybe proportional to fit in the maximum number of characters.
  • I wonder if I can do any antialiasing with that limited colour set to get subpixel rendering - Only 16 colours - custom drawing routines?

It would be an interesting challenge.

Edit: A quick go at antialiasing down to 16 colours of EGA palette.




| ----------Original---------- | ---------16 Colour--------- | ---------64 Colour--------- |

Wow, that’s 1728 screens if it was a 1080p play area! ;D

I think it could also do with 80x60 … why not to be a little different from the other contest ?

[quote]I think it could also do with 80x60 … why not to be a little different from the other contest ?
Other contest?

[quote]So we can have 16 colours from a palette of 64 colour based on two bits each for Red, Green, Blue?
Any colours from the full EGA palette, the 16 colour at a time limit is a bit impractical. I think we just want a retro-feel rather than trying to adhere strictly to all the limitations of EGA controllers.

[quote]Wow, that’s 1728 screens if it was a 1080p play area!
I think we will up-scale to 4x so you don’t have to squint while playing, we will still be easily able to fit all the entries on a single web page.

the one from the screenshot you posted here

It wasn’t a contest, I was just playing around after I saw the 40x30 EGA version of Eye of the Beholder Markus did and thought I had to have a go. I think it makes a great format for a contest and I just posted it as an example.

I’d be very interested - Java 4k always gets on my nerves because of how much effort I have to put into compression. Being able to make whatever I want with a very small resolution instead? Awesome! Great idea. Whenever you get this rolling I’ll sponsor it with a subforum and all my modly powers.

Ops, sorry I misunderstood you .

That’s exact the same reason I don’t bother joining the 4K contests

Ok, well that’s certainly enough interest. It would be awesome if we got another contest as popular as 4k but 6 months out of phase. 4k finishes at the end of Feburary so how about end of August.

Demonpants if you want to go and create a sub-forum and move this post there that would be awesome, but we should probably come up with a catchier name than 40x30EGA first though.

sounds like a great idea, I’d enter.

winner gets to hold the unique forum rank of ‘Pixel Master’ until the next contest where he must defend his title :slight_smile:

What about Like Eegeeay?

No. That’s stupid.

Pixel Press? Tiny Game? Java Mini?

I’m terrible at coming up with names. I could never do a game with a proper story because I would get stuck trying to come up with character names.


interesting, it is the challenge of compressing a fully fledged game into the 4k limit that appeals to me… compression is one fun part of it :slight_smile:

a 40x30 pixel comp is an interesting and different challenge. I will have to think about what game would lend its self to such a small resolution

[quote]a 40x30 pixel comp is an interesting and different challenge. I will have to think about what game would lend its self to such a small resolution
Try opening a paint program and create a 40x30 pixel image. Start drawing a few pixels and I think you will amazed at how many ideas start flowing.
Also I think 40x30 pixel remakes have a lot of potential: Mario Bros, Street Fighter, Prince of Persia could all work at that resolution.

I hope 30x40 will be allowed too, better for stuff like shmups :slight_smile:

Imagine if we have everyone’s entry running all at once on the same page (as applets). :o

I think having them all on the same page would be awesome but it would be tricky to get them to all play nice with sound/focus/cpu etc.

Kapta’s entry would have to go on the bottom row or he would screw with the grid layout but other than that I think having 30x40 entries as well would be fine. I’ll draft up some some rules soon.