did you ever think of a time based contest ? something that will start at a given time and end 4 hours later ?
this should be done like this for example :
contest start saturday at 14:00 GMT
at 14:01 the subject of the development(game) can be read on the website.
a counter begin to count down saying “3h55 left” “3h50 left” etc…
once you finished you submit the game+your nick and a password (the submission time is stamped and can give extra point).
at 16:00 all submission are made public
score maybe based uppon : subject relation, quality,time left on submission
with a maximum project size of 1mb
what I found really interresting is to see the same subject implemented by different people, the time constraint makinf this looking as an exam is also good to warmup brain I think.
the question is, what do you think of this idea ?