3dFoin - Game-ready characters and creatures

Hi, we have characters with switchable armor parts, mobs like dragon, hydra and goblins :smiley:


We have had so many requests for a 2 legged dragon that it has just been released for your developing pleasure. Here come the Wyvern:

A distant cousin to the true dragons, Wyvern is a legendary winged creature with a dragon’s head, which may be said to breathe fire or possess a venomous bite, a reptilian body, two legs, and a barbed tail.

As usual the model is fully tested in Unity and other common engines like 3dGameStudio, Esenthel etc.and comes with unitypackage and lot of other game formats:D


Also we’re having February Sale - 50% off all items so what are you waiting for XD


Website isn’t working for me!? “This page can’t be displayed”.

I’m sorry to say this, but I don’t think anyone on this forum would find this useful :open_mouth: All the games made here are mostly 2d. If its 3d, its very simple :frowning:

Those are nice but yeah as troll said, they might not get much attention here because this forum is quite heavily oriented around 2D games programming.

What? There are plenty of 3D games being developed here, I wouldn’t say that there is little interest. However, I do think that most dev’s here primarily don’t use external assets, they usually make their own. That being said, 3dFoin, if you haven’t already you could try posting to /r/gameassets.

thank you for the comments guys :smiley: you’re so nice specially BurntPizza for the assets link :smiley: