[3D] rotate camera around an object up and down from my perspective

So, I’m right now in the making of a model creating program for my future game/s, where I’d like to rotate my camera around an object (I know I can use 3d programs out there like blender but whats the fun in that?). Not that I think it matters but I’m just going to have voxel models.

But the problem I’m facing is making the camera rotate around a certain point in my program. So here is how I’m doing stuff for now:

First off all, I press the mouse wheel button and move up,down, left or right with the mouse. This should give the camera a rotation value. When I move the mouse in the X axis (in 2D space) I call the method Camera.rotateX(rotateAmount); and the same for the Y axis. The problem lies inside the rotateX method, how do I calculate the direction of the camera (rx,ry,rz) when I want to rotate (from my perspective) the x axis by an amount of degrees. If you didn’t catch what I’m trying to do, I’m trying to rotate a camera around a point like they do in solid-works or blender, except I don’t change the point where I’m rotating around (It’s always 0,0,0).

I’m in 11th grade (2nd year of high school?) so I haven’t really learned anything about 3d vectors (actually barely about 2D vectors, though I think I can handle them pretty easy)

Btw, I’ve tried finding an article, forum thread that brings up my kind of rotation but I can’t find one.

Do you need more info just ask instead of ignoring my problem, please :smiley:

Hope you could help and thanks in advance.