Hi all!
I’ve been working on a jogl-based 3D engine and demo since summer 2004. My goal was to create visual quality on a Doom3 level, at least in the form of a small demo (the rest is content creation). However, after completing the initial engine and prototype, I had too much commercial work on my plate to continue development. After several months without any progress, I’ve now decided to release the engine/demo prototype as-is, because I’m unlikely to put any further work into it. I thought that perhaps it would be of interest for some people on this board.
The demo features, for example, normal mapping, particle effects, hardware shadow mapping and complex visibility computations (hierarchy scene graph with obb’s). Some parts are not yet correct, for example, the environment does not correctly reflect viewport transforms. However, the basic concepts are there, and a nice walkthrough shows off some effects, including the famous flashlight.
Find the demo at …
Some cmall screenshots:
Feel free to mail me with any questions or problems you encounter.
Wolfgang Kienreich
“I’m a ****ing starship, I’m allowed to cheat.”
GCU Arbitrary, Culture Craft