Hello. I want to add a 3D position controller like the red, green and blue arrows in this Maya:
The problem is handling mouse input. The movement has to snap to the axes of the controller. I therefore thought that the best way of doing this is to project the axis to the screen (multiply it by the view and projection matrices) so I simply have a 2D line on the screen. I then find the closest point lying on this line from the mouse. Finally I un-project this point back to world space, and I’ll know exactly where the controller has been moved in 3D space.
The problem is that I don’t know how to correctly interpolate the depth of the point based on the two end points. I’m pretty sure the solution is perspective correct interpolation which I’ve glimpsed over for texture mapping, but I only have a line, not a triangle! Given two 3D points on the screen (normalized device coordinates) how do I correctly interpolate the depth value for any point on the line between the two given points? (Linear interpolation does not give the right value due to the 3D perspective.)