2D Zeldaish Game Optimizing Help!!

Hi there!
Im very new to J2ME and I have a hard time to make things work the best posible way.
I have a WIP that is the same gameplay as zelda and on my cell phone it runns quite good, but on the emulator or any other phone that has a screen bigger then 176x220 it runns very slow. Does any one have any optimizing tips? I could post the .jar file if it would help, or even the source code (but thats very unorginized right now).

If you make and Image in the program that is transperant and fills the screen does it make the game run slower? and if I have two threads of two diffrent classes running does that slow down the game process? If I make my thred sleep longer does it run better on other phones?

Thanks for any replay :wink:


Maybe explain how you set up your code system first.
What device are you using?

The regular optimisations are still valid here.

  • only draw stuff on the screen
  • what size are the tiles you are drawing?

For J2me try the following:

  • execute the on-Functions as fast as possible
  • do not print strings to the screen
  • do not send stuff to System.out

Have you thought of implementing dirty rectangles? Google for it.

… and if your game is optimized to some resoulution always use cliping , so when it will work on other device with larger screen there will be no overdrown etc , also this is not j2me special forum, you should post your questions to forums like: benhui.net or directly to phones manufactures forums where their comunitys will help you