2d Vector art?

I am interested in working on a 2d vector game.

Does anyone know of a way to import illustrator graphics into a lwjgl?

I have found some options, but am not sure if they would work.

Also I found a package in the new dawn library called svg. could that work?

Thank you for any suggestions :slight_smile:

EDIT: I thought I would mention that I can export my illustrator files in a SVG format.

simplest way would be to export your vector art to an image format (like PNG).

true… I kind of feel like that might just defeat the purpose of vector art :stuck_out_tongue:

I´ve briefly looked into this as well, but I do not think there is an easy way to do this. Here´s two StackOverflow answers on the topic:

I guess it should be possible to load SVG files and to render them in LibGDX, but it would require a bit of custom building, and it would especially be a massive amount of work if you would want to support full SVG functionality.

You should maybe give some more details…vector art is a pretty wide topic.

Well, this is along the lines I was thinking: http://gpuhacks.wordpress.com/2013/07/08/signed-distance-field-rendering-of-color-bit-planes/