I’d still like to get a little help with the blending modes.
Right now I’ve managed to get everything working apart from that.
Here is a pic of the problem:
I should mention that I’m implementing deferred rendering since I’m going to use normal mapping later on.
At the moment here is how I’m rednering my scene:
- I’m drawing every diffuse texture into an FBO
- Then I’m binding the FBO’s texture and drawing it with ambient lighting to the default FBO
- Then drawing the light’s meshes one by one using additive blending and binding the diffuse FBO’s texture
- Then drawing the penumbras (not sure what blending mode to use here or how to set it up)
To be honest I’m not sure that this rendering method is correct at all.
Could s’one tell me how to set up the the penumbra drawing or if my method of rendering is good at all?
Thanks in advance!