20 Smart Companies to Start Now


check out # 20

Yeah, I saw this last month. Some of these folks aren’t too bright:

[quote]preadsheets That Truly Excel

The Investor: Amanda Reed, partner, Palomar Ventures

What she’s backed: Attensity, Edgewater Networks

What she wants now: A Web-based platform to make company spreadsheets–for revenue forecasting and other analytical chores - more easily viewed, updated, and shared by managers. Many small-business execs still rely on e-mailing Excel files around the office to share data forecasts. Software apps like NetSuite import data but not the formulas embedded in spreadsheets.

What she’ll invest: $5 million for a team of five engineers to create a prototype in less than two years

Send your pitch to: businessplans@palomarventures.com. – S.H.
Think she’d give me 10% if I pointed her at goole spreadsheet thingy?