updated my game, worth a look!
leveldesign is still poor… but you can watch Mr. Autopilot (wait a few seconds at the levelselector)
updated my game, worth a look!
leveldesign is still poor… but you can watch Mr. Autopilot (wait a few seconds at the levelselector)
Very pleasant game
I love the game menus & graphics ! Very nicely done.
Between, I got some lags all over the game…
Config :
XP 2400+
Stay Tuned
Making Sounds
error occurred, please send this message to
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream
at com/ms/vm/loader/URLClassLoader.loadClass
at java/lang/ClassLoader.loadClassInternal
at kdk/sound/b.a
at kdk/sound/c.f
at kdk/sound/e.a
at kdk/sound/e.a
at qfp/G.
at qfp/Qfp.initGame
at qfp/Qfp.initGame
at qfp/Qfp.run
at java/lang/Thread.run
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream1.1.4
looks nice, but on my old comp unplayable slow:
duron 850 & winXP
thanks for your feedback!
I added a note at the settings screen to toggle sound off. Is it still laggy without sound?
please retry. It should ??? run now (actually not tested) for people using VM 1.1
ha! unplayable slow! I get around 400 fps… at a 50X50 resolution. Still unplayable with THAT gamesize… but hey …it’s smooth !
It ran that time, pretty cool game, seemed like some of the enemies should have taken a little less of a beating to kill but with a few powerups it gets kind of insane.
Something else is apparently there is still a thread running after I closed the window, I’ve got all kinds of sounds playing (not just in a loop but it sounds like the game was running… about 1 min later it’s stopped, though probably because I died and it’s waiting for me to enter my username or something for a score).
Graphics are hosed on OS X… it is hard to describe… basically it is like you are using indexed colour mode with a random palette or something…
Yet, at some points it seems the proper graphics “show through” … like when a screen comes up after dying the graphics appear correct within the confines of that region, and almost completely random elsewhere.
It is almost like there are gradients but only the lest significant bit is being used.
Anyway it was unplayable
You don’t like my palette effects ?
That must have to do with one of the following lines:
GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
GraphicsDevice[] gs =ge.getScreenDevices();
image=gs[0].getDefaultConfiguration().createCompatibleImage(w, h);
m = ((DataBufferInt) ((BufferedImage)image).getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
Do I have to specify that I want ARGB mode?
Seems to be an applet game but nothing happens when run in appletviewer which suggests your applet tag is either wrong or you’re using some “clever” scripting which is crapping up. ???
maybe it is wrong or stupid, but not ‘clever’:
<html> <head><title>save the world! play this game!</title></head>
<body topmargin=0 leftmargin=0 bottommargin=0 rightmargin=0 bgcolor=#000000>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0border=0 width=100% height=100%><tr><td width=100%height=100% valign=middle align=center>
<applet width=800 height=600 code=qfp.Qfp.class archive=qfp.jar </applet></td></tr></table></body></html>
please comment any possible error :-*
[quote]maybe it is wrong or stupid, but not ‘clever’:
please comment any possible error :-*
If that’s actual source, then the problem might be that you are writing illegal HTML?
For the last 5 years or so, HTML has expected/required inverted commas around all attribute values (certainly, XHTML requires it, and IIRC XHTML was a transitional thing prior to HTML 4, which is what we’re on now).
lol! this one was my first and last html file
better like this?
<head><title>"save the world! play this game!"</title></head>
<body topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" bottommargin="0" rightmargin="0" bgcolor="#000000">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%" height="100%"
><tr><td width="100%" height="100%" valign="middle" align="center">
<applet width="800" height="600" code="qfp.Qfp.class" archive="qfp.jar"</applet></td></tr></table></body></html>
uploaded, registered and ready for execution
That is all I get:
w=15640 h=68
kdk.Txt after abc MEM free:6.86 used:11.23 163%
Engine Init in 10.69
Exception in thread "Thread-11" java.lang.ClassCastException: sun.awt.image.DataBufferNative
at kdk.v.<init>(Unknown Source)
at kdk.w.l(Unknown Source)
at kdk.dope.a.setSize(Unknown Source)
at kdk.dope.a.<init>(Unknown Source)
at kdk.dope.a.<init>(Unknown Source)
at kdk.dope.b.<init>(Unknown Source)
at kdk.win.k.a(Unknown Source)
at kdk.gui.b.a(Unknown Source)
at kdk.gui.b.j(Unknown Source)
at kdk.gui.formulars.a.j(Unknown Source)
at kdk.gui.b.a(Unknown Source)
at kdk.gui.miscWins.d.a(Unknown Source)
at kdk.gui.miscWins.d.<init>(Unknown Source)
at kdk.gui.miscWins.d.<init>(Unknown Source)
at qfp.Qfp.run(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
now there is a checkbox at the settings screen to forcibly use my old renderversion…
could help, because I know the game worked on some of your computers half a year before…
Game played well, and look nice for 10 minutes and then ate up all my ram to the point that Windows complained I had run out of virtual memory =p (I have a 1gb of ram…)
Windows 2000, JVM 1.5b and Mozilla firefox
this game is for computers with at least 2 gig ram.
the memory bug vanished for some reason.
Now it’s a vertical AND horizontal scroller, at least a bit.
I’d like to know if someone tried it in 2 player mode, since my friends can’t see this game any more and refuse to play.
Just a plain white applet in a black HTML page here. Check your applet tag!
Sys: OS X 10.3.4, Java 1.4.2_03, Safari.
please try http://www.gutenachtkopf.de/savemodeforsafarionmacusers/
I think there can’t be a wrong applet tag now. Otherwise I will quit coding. I swear to my sister.
<applet archive="qfp.jar" code="qfp.Qfp.class" width="800" height="600"></applet>
I’ll check the new applet when I get home from work tonight.