Intellectual property rules require that the nature of the games that are under development by the International Law Channel remain undisclosed to anyone who has not agreed to the nondisclosure provisions of a voluntary agreement. The Channel is sponsored by a legal Foundation. You can learn about the Foundation here: It is a participant in the FreedomCorps initiative sponsored by the President. Participation is voluntary, however investment credit is provided to those who contribute their professional services on a part time basis to help develop the games.
huh? I looked at the link and read the above, and I still haven’t got a clue what your on about…
What is this and why would I care?
[quote]To help sustain and grow our cultural inheritance, the Foundation sponsors Virtual Incubator Programs that are focused on information technology research and development and the application of interactive multi-media content for use in support of cultural initiatives regarding life long learning, economic development, and individual participation in law and governance.
I like how you managed to string together a whole heap of buzz words without actually conveying anything useful. Quite a skill really.
So, what is this? Like rent-a-coder but without the money?
a service that will find work for you :
volunteer work…
huh? I looked at the link and read the above, and I still haven’t got a clue what your on about… What is this and why would I care?
The answer to your question “What is this?” is provided at the referenced web site. The Foundation is a 501©(3) corporation which sponsors a private development stage company that currently relies on volunteer labor to move its information technology to a stage where it can be presented to the market for continued development and testing. The software technology developed by the International Law Channel has received a registered software copyright from the U.S. Registrar of Copyrights, a provisional patent and a foreign filing license from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The Channel does not have venture funding nor does it wish to attract venture funding at its present stage of development because of excessive controls which typically accompany venture funds. Instead it relies on the entrepreneurship of talented professionals (foreign and domestic) who have a day job and who also wish to invest - not money - but part of their personal time in improving the information technology. If your time is valuable, then invest it. You don’t need to risk money to invest with an expectation of a financial return on your investment.
The answer to the comment “a service that will find work for you” is erroneous. If you trade your labor for income or if you are looking for a job, you may wish to consider any one of several multinational corporations that are investing abroad. The Channel has recognized that intellectual property has value in so far as it can generate a flow of cash in perpetuity. Since laws, rules, and regulations are here forever, it has focused its development initiatives in that arena. Additionally, the Channel does not encourage individuals who are looking for a job to participate. Individual participation takes the form of an investment of time (part-time) in a program which includes information technologies, is global in terms of its market reach, essential for international trade and cooperation, and beneficial in so far as it provides economic development opportunities to individuals. Individuals who participate perceive their time as valuable. They can freely choose to participate or not and they can remove themselves from the program at any time of their choosing. Their labor portfolio begins to appear as diversified as their invested funds portfolio. This is commonly cited as one of the investment strategies that is employed to lower the risk of loss.
The answer to the question “Why would I care?” can only be answered by the questioner. If you care about innovative technology, global market reach, video game development, computational linguistics, wealth creation, knowledge representation and navigation, international trade and commerce, or any of the other categories of opportunities presented at the referenced web site, then you may answer your own question. Obviously the technology cannot be disclosed here. Those citizens and others, who conform their behaviors to the requirements of international law as provided in world trade agreements and U.S. laws can inquire about the technology using the referenced web sites.
In regard to the comment about “not conveying anything useful”, perhaps these comments will embellish the original introduction. The referenced sites are useful in so far as additional information is available to those professionals who are interested in creating their futures by taking initiatives to invest in their futures - even without the money.
The category at this web site was “Voluntary”. Whether this type of information is appropriate or not remains to be seen. The webmaster may choose not to post it since it does not describe the specific application under development by the Channel. It should be clear to those in the field of information technology as to why.
Ah, so it is lame, and I don’t care. Thanks for clearing that up.
Here are a few more informative links. I just got these by cruising from the link he provided.
Added another link. This looks like the main site
Hmm… must be done by lawyers or something… nothing but double speak… You just ask for a clarification and you get an essay with more double speak instead of a simple paragraph, etc…
Statements like “Obviously the technology cannot be disclosed here.” are meaningless as I don’t have a clue what “technology” is being referred to.
Instead I’m informed that somebody has patents on something somewhere. Hmm… that clears things up perfectly. I must invest my time in “The Channel” and “The Foundation” to accomplish who know’s what… oh I know… “…game development, computational linguistics, wealth creation,…” uh, yeah sure…
They need to clean it up and make whatever it is accessible and clear, as it is now it stinks of some sort of scam as it is appears to be deliberately unclear.
Oh yeah, and the host “” … well that just speaks for itsel doesn’t it.
Yeah I really had to try hard to avoid mentioning the AOL thing
Every page I read over there is written like a mulitlevel marketing scam. But they dont mention money yet. Maybe you have to join to get the “good news”. Unless they hope to convert the labor invested into a final product scam, where laborers get nothing.
Even the title of this thread just screams spam scam.
I suppose it is some kind of foundation sponsored by government, which has to advertize sometimes to pretend they are doing something. They cannot be too clear on what they are exactly trying to do, because somebody could try to check the outcome.
Certainly government sponsored… Even America’s Army instructors aren’t so pompatic
I duefully agree that this post is nullifying bland in its obvious explanation in the intent of procuring somewhat an irrelelvant topic of discussion which according to the free trade agreement by interrelated industries in some incorporated infrastructure would be willing to negotiate whether all this information disposed of during the course and subject matter of this forum, is liable for obvious abuse and mistrust by the partitioning law!!!
If I was an administrator, I would just remove this thread.
I don’t know, it’s quite fascinating. Have we got something here that passes the Turing test or is it actually a human?
I think Larry has been infected
The only president around here is of the local golf club. I don’t suppose he’s at all interested in Java.
“Participation is voluntary”? Excellent! We’re not all forced to join up then? That’s nice of you.
Anyone work out where the one million games comment comes in?
Nobody is allowed to know! It’s a “Trade Secret”
ok ok ok! i volunteer!!
i take the 1.000.000 games! :o
WOW :o
This is an…interesting one…